About us

The International Virtual EPR Meeting is a seminar web series that has been running since March 2020 where researchers share their latest advancements in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) 

The Virtual EPR Meeting

Originally born in the COVID-19 era as an informal initiative by PhD students in EPR spectroscopy around the world, the Virtual EPR Meeting series sponsored by the International EPR Society now offers a forum for scientific exchange among young researchers.

It aims to maintain, strengthen and extend the EPR community around the world, a goal that is desirable even now that the public health crisis is over.

The Seminars

A researcher presents recent advances in EPR or related fields for about 25 minutes, followed by an extensive open discussion. 

The meetings are held biweekly on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM (New York time) via Zoom. Changes to the schedule will be communicated in advance. Please check the “NEXT SEMINARS” section for dates and times.

Send us an email or fill out this form to receive our newsletter and the seminars' invitations (please use an institutional account if possible).


Joseph McPeak

University of Copenhagen (DK)



Tomas Orlando

Natl. High Magnetic Field Laboratory (USA)



Thomas Schmidt

Natl. Institute of Health (USA)

Natl. Institute of Standards and Technology (USA)



Yujie Zhao

Mass. Institute of Technology (USA)



If you are interested in JOINING THE COMMITTEE, email one of us!

@IVEM_meeting is looking for students, postdocs, and early career researchers to join our organizing committee! Our activities include organizing biweekly seminars that cover all topics of EPR. Reply here or send us an email  https://www.eprseminars.org/about-us

Former Committee Members

Zhongyu Yang, North Dakota State University (USA)

Nir Dayan, Technion (IL)

Annalisa Pierro, CNRS (FR)

Julien Langley, Australian National University (AU)

Li Feng Lim, Australian National University (AU)

Jana Eisermann, Imperial College (UK)

Zhigjie Li, University of Science and Technology of China (CN)

Jaideep Singh, University of Southern California (USA)

Jing Jin, Boston College (USA)

Nino Wili, ETH Zurich (CH)